Press Archives
12-15 Sept. 2023: Molecular Nanotour Symposium 2023
Rosa Marquez participates in the Molecular Nanotour Symposium 2023 On 13th September, the Molecular Nanotour Symposium 2023 took place in the Schulz-Horner Building of the JGU Mainz campus (Germany). The PhD student Rosa Marquez, from the SWOPT partner University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), presented a poster with her results, as part …Read More »7 September 2023: 1st Consortium meeting
On September 7th 2023, the SWOPT partners met for the first Consortium meeting, in a hybrid format. The principal investigators and early career researchers of each organization presented the progress made during the first year of the project. Vibrant discussions took place to analyse the results obtained so far, to address …Read More »Helmholtz Munich receives the Total E-Quality Award
SWOPT coordinator host, Helmholtz Munich (HMGU), has received the prestigious Total E-Quality award for its commitment to promoting equal opportunities and an inclusive work culture. We are proud to be part of an institution with demonstrated dedication in achieving gender equality and cultural diversity. Pro-active measures are necessary to provide …Read More »3 July 2023: Photons & Proteins Workshop
The Photons & Proteins workshop in honor of Martin Chalfie was held at the Università di Parma, Centro Sant’Elisabetta on July 3, 2023, from 14.30 to 18.00. Detailed information here. In the occasion of the conferral of the honoris causa degree in Physics by the University of Parma to Martin …Read More »27 June 2023: Job offer
Our partners in the University Hospital Cologne are looking for a highly motivated Postdoc to contribute to SWOPT. The hired scientist will work in the development of a new imaging technique for in vivo monitoring of metabolites. More details here: Read More »5-7 May 2023: SWOPT at FORSCHA
On 5, 6 and 7 of May 2023, the FORSCHA – Münchner Wissenschaftstage took place in the city center of Munich, hosted at the Deutsches Museum Verkehrzentrum – Transport Museum. Our communications team was present in the Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI, SWOPT coordinator) booth. The event was free-of-charge for visitors and …Read More »16-18 April 2023: Kolff Institute Days
Rosa Marquez won the second best poster prize with “Towards the next generation of optoacoustic imaging agents”. Every year the W.J. Kolff Institute organises the Kolff Institute Days to which all Kolff researchers and PhD students are invited. This year, the PhD student Rosa Marquez from the SWOPT partner University …Read More »Paper Alert! Review on photoswitchable proteins by SWOPT coordinator
SWOPT coordinator, Andre C. Stiel, and Elsa C. Rodrigues have published a new review in FEBS Letters: “It’s a two-way street: Photoswitching and reversible changes of the protein matrix in photoswitchable fluorescent proteins and bacteriophytochromes”. The authors review the interactions between chromophore and protein matrix, focusing on photoswitching fluorescent proteins …Read More »SWOPT logo
Our communication team has created the project logo. The concept of photoswitching is visualized by a human individual flipping this simplified molecular switch. First, the molecule is shown in its state of an inconspicuous appearance (grey), that after receiving light pulses becomes activated and more and more apparent in the …Read More »18 October 2022: SWOPT Kick-Off Meeting
On October 18, 2022, the SWOPT partners met for the first time as a consortium. The principal investigators and relevant team members of each organization introduced themselves, their institute or enterprise, and explained their involvement in the project. Furthemore, important deadlines and goals were decided. We’re looking forward to the …Read More »